Postgraduate Programme and Module Handbook 2011-2012 (archived)
Module BUSI43S15: Sales Management (Blended Learning)
Department: Business School (Business)
BUSI43S15: Sales Management (Blended Learning)
Type | Tied | Level | 4 | Credits | 15 | Availability | Available in 2011/12 | Module Cap | None. |
Tied to | |
Tied to |
- None.
- None.
Excluded Combination of Modules
- Sales Management (Block Taught)
- To enable students to develop a comprehensive understanding of professional sales management, including its planning, structure, resources and performance evaluation
- To engage students with interdisciplinary perspectives on the nature of sales as an activity and a behaviour, together with the competences, skills and attributes of the sales manager role
- To equip students with the management skills needed to design and implement a strategic sales management plan
- Perspectives on sales and the sales management profession
- Buying and selling processes
- Strategic sales organisations
- Client and key account management
- Organising the sales function
- Motivating and evaluating the sales function
- Sales force behaviour, codes of conduct and marketing ethics
- Sales force leadership – individual and organisational perspectives
- The strategic sales plan – development, implementation, evaluation
Learning Outcomes
Subject-specific Knowledge:
- On completion of the module students should have an advanced knowledge and critical understanding of:
- The nature and scope of sales as a profession;
- Key theories of sales, selling and sales force optimisation;
- Key models of client and account management;
- Current strategic issues, challenges and debates in sales management.
Subject-specific Skills:
- On completion of the module students should:
- Have acquired skills in the mapping and analysis of sales;
- Be able to apply a range of sales quality evaluation models/tools;
- Be able to apply a range of forecasting models and techniques in a sales context;
- Be able to apply selected performance measurement tools in a sales context.
Key Skills:
- Effective written communication skills
- Planning, organising and time management skills
- Problem solving and analytical skills
- The ability to use initiative
- Advanced skills in the interpretation of data
- Advanced computer literacy skills
Modes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment and how these contribute to the learning outcomes of the module
- The module is delivered via blended learning and in the form of discrete Study Units. These are designed to enable the learning outcomes to be achieved through a combination of specially written material, directed reading, reflection through self-assessed assignments and guidance for further reading. Extensive use of learning technologies is also employed to reinforce learning, including online seminars. Module tutors provide feedback on formative work and are available for individual consultation as necessary (by email, telephone, post, fax and video-conferencing).
- The summative assessment of the module, a written report based on the development of a strategic sales plan, is designed to test the acquisition and articulation of knowledge and critical understanding, and skills of application and interpretation within the business context.
Teaching Methods and Learning Hours
Activity | Number | Frequency | Duration | Total/Hours | |
Blended-learning Study Units (a combination of specially written materials, directed reading, self-assessed assignments, e-learning resources, and guidance for further reading) | 9 | 150 | |||
Total | 150 |
Summative Assessment
Component: Written Assignment | Component Weighting: 100% | ||
Element | Length / duration | Element Weighting | Resit Opportunity |
Individual written report, based on the development of a strategic sales plan | 2,500 words maximum | 100% | Same |
Formative Assessment:
Virtual team-based discussions and case-study exercises, delivered via DUO.
■ Attendance at all activities marked with this symbol will be monitored. Students who fail to attend these activities, or to complete the summative or formative assessment specified above, will be subject to the procedures defined in the University's General Regulation V, and may be required to leave the University