Durham University
Programme and Module Handbook

Undergraduate Programme and Module Handbook 2014-2015 (archived)


Department: Foundation Year (Durham)


Type Open Level 0 Credits 10 Availability Not available in 2014/15 Module Cap None. Location Durham


  • None.


  • None.

Excluded Combination of Modules

  • None.


  • To encourage students to develop confidence in their own abilities in a science subject.
  • to develop students' learning skills.
  • to introduce a basic bank of knowledge on which students can build either by the process of self study or in further courses of directed study.


  • Studying disease.
  • definition of health.
  • Clinical method and epidemiology.
  • health promotion, biological understanding and social measures.
  • health inequalities.
  • causes and types of disease.
  • curing disease.
  • prevention of disease.

Learning Outcomes

Subject-specific Knowledge:
  • By the end of the module students will have be able to:
  • discuss the interaction of biological, social and psychological aspects of health.
  • list the causes of diseases with examples.
  • describe the ways in which diseases can be treated.
  • describe methods of disease prevention and health promotion.
Subject-specific Skills:
  • By the end of this module students will be able to:
  • Apply a range of discipline specific perspectives to the study of health and disease.
  • Effectively research causes, effects and treatments of a range of diseases.
  • Construct a Bio-Psycho-Social report on a specific multi-factorial disease.
Key Skills:
  • By the end of the module the students will:
  • be able to communicate effectively in writing
  • be able to demonstrate critical thinking skills

Modes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment and how these contribute to the learning outcomes of the module

  • Theory, initial concepts and research techniques will be introduced during lectures and demonstrations.
  • Much of the learning, understanding and consolidation will take place through the use of structured exercises, group work, discussions and library assignments during tutorials and students' own time.
  • Knowledge and understanding of concepts will be assessed by a variety of assignments including an in-depth project and a written assignment.

Teaching Methods and Learning Hours

Activity Number Frequency Duration Total/Hours
Lectures 10 Weekly 2 hours 20
Tutorials 10 Weekly 1 hour 10
Preparation and Reading 70
Total 100

Summative Assessment

Component: Assignment 1 Component Weighting: 40%
Element Length / duration Element Weighting Resit Opportunity
Assignment 1 100% Resubmission
Component: Assignment 2 Component Weighting: 60%
Element Length / duration Element Weighting Resit Opportunity
Assignment 2 100% Resubmission

Formative Assessment:

Exercises and library research

Attendance at all activities marked with this symbol will be monitored. Students who fail to attend these activities, or to complete the summative or formative assessment specified above, will be subject to the procedures defined in the University's General Regulation V, and may be required to leave the University