Durham University
Programme and Module Handbook

Undergraduate Programme and Module Handbook 2014-2015 (archived)


Department: Geography


Type Tied Level 4 Credits 60 Availability Available in 2014/15 Module Cap None. Location Durham
Tied to L703


  • None


  • None

Excluded Combination of Modules

  • GEOG4103 Collaborative Research Project


  • To enable students to apply the skills and methods acquired in the core and option modules to a specialist topic
  • To acquire an advanced knowledge and understanding of a specialist sub-field of human geography research
  • To enable students to undertake a research based project of their own choosing


  • The research project enables students to develop and execute an extended piece of research on a specialised topic that complements and enhances departmental research. It will be developed in consultation with an allocated supervisor, and must be within the spirit and practical scope of the degree programme. The topic will be approved by the Module Convenor. Detailed guidelines on format and procedures will be provided in the Degree Programme Guide

Learning Outcomes

Subject-specific Knowledge:
  • Students will have an in-depth understanding of a single specialised topic in Human Geography
  • Advanced knowledge and understanding of a specialised area, including, where appropriate, theory and method
  • Advanced understanding of data analysis and dissemination in the area of Human Geography in which they conduct their research
Subject-specific Skills:
  • Students will be able to frame a piece of research and to develop their necessary capacity to conduct research under that framing
  • Students will be able to demonstrate that they can research and present a piece of focused independent work through both a written paper and an oral presentation of findings
  • Critical evaluation of a specific area of the academic literature
  • Awareness of ethical issues in research, and of the importance of reflexivity about the role of the researcher
Key Skills:
  • Ability to deliberate, to discuss and to decide on research directions, through contact with their supervisor
  • Ability to write an advanced level research paper of a substantial nature
  • Ability to write clearly and concisely, explaining why the chosen topic of research is important, critiquing previous research, and providing a coherent discussion of findings
  • Independent management of a research project (under guidance from a supervisor) from the formulation of research questions, to the collection and analysis of data, to the presentation of a research paper
  • Advanced quantitative and/or qualitative data analysis as appropriate to the topic area
  • Exercise of initiative and skill in written and oral communication

Modes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment and how these contribute to the learning outcomes of the module

  • Students will be responsible for developing a project within a topic area which will be approved by the module convenor
  • Small group supervision provides a forum in which ongoing work can be discussed in a focused manner with a subject expert, and in which the student is able to acquire and enhance their knowledge and understanding of a specialised field. Students will be directed to an existing body of literature relevant to the subject under study, and advised on the potential sources of data and modes of analysis. Group meetings between a small number of students (a maximum of 4) and a supervisor will take place during the course of planning, researching and writing up the research project. The conduct of these meetings will be negotiated between staff member and group of students, but they may involve: (a) collective discussion of shared readings relating to project areas; (b) group discussion of specific readings relating to individual projects; (c) discussion of research design and practice; (d) presentations to the small group; (e) discussion of emerging themes from analysis and (e) writing workshops
  • The student will produce a research project proposal, and will additionally receive written feedback on a draft of the research paper. The timing and content of this work will be specified in the module guide and feedback will be built into the schedule of meetings. Feedback will be given in individual meetings
  • Assessment is by means of a research paper of 10,000 words (including footnotes but excluding references). The research paper is an extended piece of work which requires students to develop and execute independent research, use data in an advanced and sophisticated fashion, and interrogate literatures appropriate to the chosen specialism
  • The module and assessment will conclude with a 15 minute oral presentation of the research findings in a conference format towards the end of term 3 (and after submission of the research paper)

Teaching Methods and Learning Hours

Activity Number Frequency Duration Total/Hours
Lectures 2 Varies 2 hours 4
Small Group Supervision 12 Varies 1 hour 12
Individual Supervision 3 Varies 1 hour 3
Conference 1 End of summer term 6 hours 6
Self-directed learning 575
Total 600

Summative Assessment

Component: Research Paper Component Weighting: 90%
Element Length / duration Element Weighting Resit Opportunity
Research Paper 10,000 words 100%
Component: Oral Presentation of Research Findings Component Weighting: 10%
Element Length / duration Element Weighting Resit Opportunity
Oral Presentation of Research Findings 15 minutes (including questions) 100%

Formative Assessment:

1000 word research project proposal. Written or verbal feedback on draft section of research project paper and written feedback on full draft of project paper

Attendance at all activities marked with this symbol will be monitored. Students who fail to attend these activities, or to complete the summative or formative assessment specified above, will be subject to the procedures defined in the University's General Regulation V, and may be required to leave the University