Durham University
Programme and Module Handbook

Undergraduate Programme and Module Handbook 2014-2015 (archived)

Module MATH1071: Linear Algebra I

Department: Mathematical Sciences

MATH1071: Linear Algebra I

Type Open Level 1 Credits 20 Availability Available in 2014/15 Module Cap None. Location Durham


  • Normally, A level Mathematics at grade A or better and AS level Further Mathematics at grade A or better, or equivalent.


  • Calculus and Probability I (MATH1061)

Excluded Combination of Modules

  • Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists (MATH1551), Single Mathematics A (MATH1561), Single Mathematics B (MATH1571) and Foundation Mathematics (MATH1641) may not be taken with or after this module.


  • This module is designed to follow on from, and reinforce, A level mathematics.
  • It will present students with a wide range of mathematics ideas in preparation for more demanding material later.
  • There will be opportunities to gain experience with the Maple computer package.
  • Aim: to give a utilitarian treatment of some important mathematical techniques in linear algebra.
  • Aim: to develop geometric awareness and familiarity with vector methods.


  • A range of topics are treated each at an elementary level to give a foundation of basic definitions, theorems and computational techniques.
  • A rigorous approach is expected.
  • Linear Algebra in n dimensions with concrete illustrations in 2 and 3 dimensions.
  • Vectors, matrices and determinants.
  • Vector spaces and linear mappings.
  • Diagonalisation, inner-product spaces and special polynomials.
  • Introduction to group theory.

Learning Outcomes

Subject-specific Knowledge:
  • By the end of the module students will: be able to solve a range of predictable or less predictable problems in Linear Algebra.
  • have an awareness of the basic concepts of theoretical mathematics in Linear Algebra.
  • have a broad knowledge and basic understanding of these subjects demonstrated through one of the following topic areas:
  • Vectors in Rn, matrices and determinants.
  • Vector spaces over R and linear mappings.
  • Diagonalisation and Jordan normal form.
  • Inner product spaces.
  • Introduction to groups.
  • Special polynomials.
Subject-specific Skills:
  • Students will have basic mathematical skills in the following areas: Modelling, Spatial awareness, Abstract reasoning, Numeracy.
Key Skills:

Modes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment and how these contribute to the learning outcomes of the module

  • Lectures demonstrate what is required to be learned and the application of the theory to practical examples.
  • Tutorials provide active engagement and feedback to the learning process.
  • Weekly homework problems provide formative assessment to guide students in the correct development of their knowledge and skills. They are also an aid in developing students' awareness of standards required.
  • Initial diagnostic testing and associated supplementary problems classes fill in gaps related to the wide variety of syllabuses available at Mathematics A-level.
  • Experience with the Maple computer package reinforces the ability to succeed in routine elementary calculation and to enable students to recognise their own computational errors.
  • The examination + a final assessment of the achievement of the student.

Teaching Methods and Learning Hours

Activity Number Frequency Duration Total/Hours
Lectures 58 3 per week in terms 1, 2 or 3 per week in term 2 (alternating fortnightly with Problems Classes and Collection examination), 6 revision lectures in term 3. 1 Hour 58
Tutorials 15 Weekly in weeks 2-10,20,21 Fortnightly in weeks 12-19 1 Hour 15
Problems Classes 4 Fortnightly in weeks 12-19 1 Hour 4
Practicals 1 Week 1 1 Hour 1
Support classes 19 1 per week in terms 1 and 2 1 Hour 19
Preparation and Reading 103
Total 200

Summative Assessment

Component: Examination Component Weighting: 100%
Element Length / duration Element Weighting Resit Opportunity
Written examination 3 hours 100% Yes

Formative Assessment:

- Weekly written assignments during the first 2 terms. Normally, each will consist of solving problems and will typically be one to two pages long. Students will have about one week to complete each assignment. - 45 minute collection paper in the first week of Epiphany term.

Attendance at all activities marked with this symbol will be monitored. Students who fail to attend these activities, or to complete the summative or formative assessment specified above, will be subject to the procedures defined in the University's General Regulation V, and may be required to leave the University