Durham University
Programme and Module Handbook

Postgraduate Programme and Module Handbook 2015-2016 (archived)

Module HEAS40160: Dissertation In Integrated Health Sciences

Department: Health [Queen's Campus, Stockton]

HEAS40160: Dissertation In Integrated Health Sciences

Type Tied Level 4 Credits 60 Availability Available in 2015/16 Module Cap
Tied to



  • None

Excluded Combination of Modules

  • None


  • The objective of the dissertation is to allow the student to conduct, as an individual initiative, a substantial piece of academic work in their chosen academic programme, write it up and present it in a scholarly fashion.


  • The content will be dependent upon the student's chosen topic and research method. This will be decided in discussion with the student's dissertation supervisor and approved by the Board of Studies on the advice of the Subject Management Board. As a general principle, the content and method of the dissertation will be restricted to research topics that do not require the obtaining of ethical consent for the research.

Learning Outcomes

Subject-specific Knowledge:
  • Students should develop:
  • Advanced conceptual abilities and analytical skills in order to evaluate the rigour and validity of published research and assess its relevance to your research question
  • Creativity in the application of knowledge
  • A practical understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry have been used to develop the knowledge base in your research area
Subject-specific Skills:
  • This dissertation will:
  • Extend the student's analytical and written communication skills and consequent ability to contribute to the extension of knowledge in their field
  • Gain the necessary training to undertake advanced level research in the chosen field of interest.
Key Skills:
  • Key skills are embodied in the subject specific skills. These include:
  • Research skills - especially in utilising library or other facilities databases
  • Knowledge management - collating and synthesising material from different sources and, if required, different academic disciplines
  • Critical thinking - critiquing existing knowledge in the light of others' work and own research findings and the application of advanced knowledge to specialised topic of own choice
  • Presentation - preparing and presenting complex material in an accessible manner
  • Managing a research project - including time management and process management.

Modes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment and how these contribute to the learning outcomes of the module

  • Tutorials - These will introduce students to research methods from the perspective of health-related disciplines. (Note: These are not compulsory for students who are registered in the School of Medicine Pharmacy and Health.)
  • Seminars - Provide opportunities for students to discuss with lecturers and fellow students detailed aspects of dissertation research and to learn from each other in the design and conduct of research
  • Independent study, research and analysis - Focuses student knowledge more deeply by pursuing aspects of the module that are of special interest to themselves and exploring specific application in their field of study.
  • Library research - Promotes independent lifelong learning skills as well as promoting learning from a variety of sources
  • Supervision - Students will meet with their supervisor to discuss and receive advice about their research question, research process and dissertation document.
  • Written dissertation will test students' critical knowledge and understanding of key concepts, their ability to argue coherently and communicate effectively in writing, and to reflectively assess their proficiency in thinking through (depending on their topic of choice) the complexity of health-related issues; issues in health professional education research and/or teaching methods; challenges of public policy and health or health service related services.

Teaching Methods and Learning Hours

Activity Number Frequency Duration Total/Hours
Tutorial (Note: Only for students not registered within the School of Medicine Pharmacy and Health) 2 occasionally 3 hours 6
Seminars a minimum of 4 occasionally 2hrs 8
Regular agreed contact with supervisors up to 8 contacts A minimum of three weeks apart approx 1 hr 8
Self supported learning student determined student determined 373.5
One to One Meetings about interdisciplinarity with Director of Postgraduate Studies or delegate in the School of Medicine Pharmacy and Health (Note: Only for students not registered within the School of Medicine Pharmacy and Health) approx 3 As needed 1.5 hours 4.5
Total 400

Summative Assessment

Component: Dissertation Component Weighting: 100%
Element Length / duration Element Weighting Resit Opportunity
dissertation 10000 words max 100% resubmission

Formative Assessment:

Formative assessment comprises the Subject Management's Board's advice on the disertation proposal and the supervisor's written comments on draft chapters

Attendance at all activities marked with this symbol will be monitored. Students who fail to attend these activities, or to complete the summative or formative assessment specified above, will be subject to the procedures defined in the University's General Regulation V, and may be required to leave the University