Undergraduate Programme and Module Handbook 2015-2016 (archived)
Department: Engineering
Type | Tied | Level | 3 | Credits | 20 | Availability | Available in 2015/16 | Module Cap | Location | Durham |
Tied to | H100 |
Tied to | H103 |
- As specified in Programme Regulations
- As specified in the Programme Regulations
Excluded Combination of Modules
- As specified in the Programme Regulations
- This module is designed solely for students studying School of Engineering and Computing Sciences degree programmes.
- This module covers two important areas of knowledge and skills for civil engineers: analysis and design of structures and geomatics (land surveying and GIS).
- The module contains material essential for a practising professional civil engineer.
- Analysis of structures using paper and computational methods.
- Land surveying for civil engineering.
- GIS relevant for civil engineering
Learning Outcomes
Subject-specific Knowledge:
- Understanding of the qualitative behaviour of various structural forms leading to conceptual structural design.
- Understanding of methods of computational structural analysis and appreciation of their approximate nature
- Appreciation of the role of plasticity in structural analysis.
- Understanding of the principles of land surveying, errors and adjustments.
- Understanding of the principles behind and use of GISs.
Subject-specific Skills:
- Ability to undertake conceptual design of simple civil engineering structures.
- Ability to undertake computer and paper-based analyses of civil engineering structures.
- Ability to carry out civil engineering surveying including booking, checking and preparation of plans.
- Ability to use GISs for civil engineering purposes.
Key Skills:
- General ability to model, as required by a civil engineer.
- Ability to assess quality of data from surveying and to recognise possible flaws in data.
- Team work in undertaking the surveying practical course.
Modes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment and how these contribute to the learning outcomes of the module
- Lecture courses in structures, surveying and GIS reinforced by problem sheets. Structures is assessed through an open note written examination which enables each student to demonstrate an ability to analyse and solve new problems.
- The course in Structural Analysis is supported by formative computing exercises supported by a surgery session.
- Students are able to make use of staff Tutorial Hours to discuss any aspect of the module with teaching staff on a one to one basis. These are sign-up sessions available for up to one hour per week
- Surveying and GIS are supported by a two-week intensive practical course which is summatively assessed by means of a report. Surveying is also supported by a formative lab session.
Teaching Methods and Learning Hours
Activity | Number | Frequency | Duration | Total/Hours | |
Surveying lectures | 9 | 1 per week | 1 hour | 9 | |
Structures lectures | 26 | 1 or 2 per week | 1 hour | 26 | |
Structures Computing Practical | 3 | 1 per week | 1 hour | 3 | |
Revision seminar | 1 | 1 in term 3 week 3 | 1 hour | 1 | |
Lab session | 1 | 1 in term 2 | 3 hours | 3 | |
Two-week intensive practical course for geomatics | 1 | 1 in term 3 | 2 weeks full time | 64 | ■ |
Tutorial Hours | as required | weekly sign-up sessions | up to 1 hour | 8 | |
Preparation and reading | 86 | ||||
Total | 200 |
Summative Assessment
Component: Examination | Component Weighting: 80% | ||
Element | Length / duration | Element Weighting | Resit Opportunity |
Structures and Geomatics 3 | 2 hours | 100% | none |
Component: Continuous Assessment | Component Weighting: 20% | ||
Element | Length / duration | Element Weighting | Resit Opportunity |
Geomatics Practical Course | 100% | none |
Formative Assessment:
Problem sheets for lecture courses. Laboratory session. Computational structural analysis exercise.
■ Attendance at all activities marked with this symbol will be monitored. Students who fail to attend these activities, or to complete the summative or formative assessment specified above, will be subject to the procedures defined in the University's General Regulation V, and may be required to leave the University