Durham University
Programme and Module Handbook

Undergraduate Programme and Module Handbook 2016-2017 (archived)


Department: English Studies


Type Open Level 3 Credits 20 Availability Available in 2016/17 Module Cap Location Durham


  • At least one of the following modules: Introduction to the Novel (ENGL1061), Introduction to Drama (ENGL1011), Introduction to Poetry (ENGL1071).


  • None.

Excluded Combination of Modules

  • None.


  • To introduce students to a wide range of literary texts written between 1660 and 1785.
  • To encourage a detailed knowledge of some and of relationships between them.
  • To study these texts in the context of broader cultural and historical changes and preoccupations characteristic of the era and to demonstrate this in mature and lucid critical analysis.


  • This module will attempt to suggest the range of literary developments across the various recognised genres in the period from 1660 to 1780. These developments will be studied in the context of important social, cultural and political changes in the period, which will be introduced early in the lecture series.
  • The syllabus may vary from year to year, but the following will give an indication of the topics and authors from which the convenor and lecturers will select material in any given cycle of lectures and tutorials.
  • The development of the novel, from late seventeenth-century fiction such as that of Aphra Behn and John Bunyan, through to novels by writers such as Daniel Defoe, Eliza Haywood, Samuel Richardson, Henry Fielding, Laurence Sterne, and Frances Burney.
  • Drama from the Restoration and eighteenth century, including work by, for example, George Etherege, Aphra Behn, William Wycherley, John Dryden, William Congreve, Susanna Centlivre, John Gay, Henry Fielding, Oliver Goldsmith, Richard Brinsley Sheridan and Hannah Cowley.
  • Satire, both in poetry and prose, by writers such as Rochester, Dryden, Jonathan Swift, Alexander Pope, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Mary Leapor and Samuel Johnson.
  • Non-satirical poetry by writers of the same period, as well as by later poets, possibly including Anne Finch, James Thomson, Thomas Gray, William Collins, Robert Burns, William Cowper, and Anne Yearsley.
  • A selection of works in a range of forms, possibly including biography, autobiography, essays, diaries and letters.

Learning Outcomes

Subject-specific Knowledge:
  • expertise in literature of the Restoration and eighteenth century
  • detailed knowledge of a number of authors and texts from this period
  • appreciation of the power of imagination in literary creation
  • knowledge and understanding of the distinctive character of texts of the period written in the principal literary genres, the novel, poetry and drama
  • knowledge of linguistic, literary, cultural and socio-historical contexts in which literature of this period is written
  • knowledge of useful and precise critical terminology
  • awareness of the range and variety of approaches to literary study
Subject-specific Skills:
  • Students studying this module will develop:
  • critical skills in the close reading and analysis of texts
  • an ability to demonstrate knowledge of a range of texts, authors, and critical approaches within this literary period
  • an informed awareness of formal and aesthetic dimensions of literature and an ability to offer cogent analysis of their workings in specific texts relating to this literary period
  • a sensitivity to generic conventions and to the shaping effects on communication of historical circumstances, and to the affective power of language
  • an ability to articulate and substantiate an imaginative response to literature
  • an ability to articulate knowledge and understanding of concepts and theories relating to this literary period
  • skills of effective communication and argument
  • awareness of conventions of scholarly presentation, and bibliographic skills, including accurate citation of sources and consistent use of scholarly conventions of presentation
  • a command of a broad range of vocabulary and an appropriate critical terminology
  • an awareness of literature as a medium through which values are affirmed and debated
  • an ability to engage in independent research at an appropriate level
  • an ability to compare and connect different texts
  • an ability to demonstrate a mature ability to articulate a critical argument taking due account of interpretations by other critics
Key Skills:
  • Students studying this module will develop:
  • a capacity to analyse literary texts critically
  • an ability to acquire complex information of diverse kinds in a structured and systematic way involving the use of distinctive interpretative skills derived from the subject
  • a competence in the planning and execution of essays
  • a capacity for independent thought and judgement, and ability to assess the critical ideas of others
  • skills in critical reasoning
  • an ability to handle information and argument in a critical manner
  • information-technology skills such as word-processing and electronic data access information
  • organisation and time-management skills

Modes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment and how these contribute to the learning outcomes of the module

  • Lectures: enable students to gain subject-specific knowledge of cultural, aesthetic and intellectual issues in relation to individual works and authors, an area or period, or a theoretical or language-related topic; encourage students to be aware of the range and variety of approaches to literary study; present ideas and information to encourage, on the part of students, further thought and discussion
  • Tutorials: enable students to explore, in a selective way, through small-group discussion, specific texts and topics (many of which will be addressed by lectures); to focus on selected literary issues and problems; and guide them in developing subject-specific analytical skills and knowledge
  • Formative essays: are written on a text or texts, or a literary topic, and they require the student to demonstrate appropriate subject-specific knowledge and skills, such as the ability to articulate knowledge and understanding of concepts and theories relating to literary study. Written feedback is offered on all formative work. The first essay is carefully marked and returned to students individually in one 15-minute handback session. Formative essays allow for students to explore and try out without risk different approaches to and perspectives on literary texts; both essays are useful for revision purposes. A considerable element of choice of essay topics encourages development in students of their capacity for independent thought and judgement.
  • Essay handback: encourages students to reflect critically and independently on their work
  • Independent but directed reading in preparation for lectures and tutorials provides opportunity for students to enrich subject-specific knowledge and enhances their ability to develop appropriate subject-specific skills.
  • Examination: tests the student's ability to present subject-specific knowledge, to select appropriate materials, and to construct and manage clear and effective arguments in a timed period; to demonstrate independent thinking, and test that students have achieved stated learning outcomes.

Teaching Methods and Learning Hours

Activity Number Frequency Duration Total/Hours
Lectures 21 1 Per Week 1 Hour 21
Tutorials 4 1 Hour 4
Essay Handback Session 1 1 in either Michaelmas Term or Epiphany Term 15 Minutes 0.25
Preparation and Reading 174.75
Total 200

Summative Assessment

Component: Examination Component Weighting: 100%
Element Length / duration Element Weighting Resit Opportunity
three-hour written examination requiring knowledge of at least 4 authors 100%

Formative Assessment:

2 essays 1500-2000 words. The second essay is optional.

Attendance at all activities marked with this symbol will be monitored. Students who fail to attend these activities, or to complete the summative or formative assessment specified above, will be subject to the procedures defined in the University's General Regulation V, and may be required to leave the University