Durham University
Programme and Module Handbook

Postgraduate Programme and Module Handbook 2018-2019 (archived)

Module EDUC45530: Leadership of Learning and Teaching

Department: Education

EDUC45530: Leadership of Learning and Teaching

Type Open Level 4 Credits 30 Availability Available in 2018/19 Module Cap None.


  • None


  • None

Excluded Combination of Modules

  • None


  • The purpose of the programme is to support colleagues at Durham who are engaged in educational or pedagogical leadership. The aims are that participants should be able to develop:
  • their knowledge and understanding of leadership theory and practice
  • the knowledge, skills and abilities to successfully implement and evaluate change initiatives in learning and teaching in higher education
  • an evidence-based Account of Professional Practice


  • A key driver for HEIs is to ensure educational provision of high calibre and international excellence in all subjects. This module will develop knowledge, understanding and skills in leading initiatives and projects to improve quality in teaching, learning, assessment and the student experience more broadly at Durham or the participant’s home institution. The module will enable participants more confidently to assume education leadership roles and positions and to provide an evidence-based reflective account of their professional development in order to gain leadership positions in their institution and / or Senior Fellowship status within the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF) of the Higher Education Academy (HEA).
  • The module is designed to assist the professional development of experienced teachers and others who support learning within post-compulsory education and who demonstrate leadership in learning and teaching or related activities that help improve the student experience. The module will require participants to provide evidence of and to evaluate the wider impact and influence of their leadership practice. This would be the case with individuals who, for example, have developed and led substantial programmes of teaching and learning, led cross (and inter-) institutional teaching and learning focused projects, provided leadership for work in discipline based communities or college communities, or those who have led consultancy for major pieces of pedagogic work in subject associations and professional bodies.

Learning Outcomes

Subject-specific Knowledge:
  • By the end of the programme, participants will be able to demonstrate:
  • the knowledge successfully to lead change initiatives in learning and teaching in post-compulsory education;
  • the knowledge successfully to evaluate change initiatives in learning and teaching in post-compulsory education.
Subject-specific Skills:
  • The incorporation of appropriate research and scholarship into the implementation and evaluation of professional practices;
  • the development of realistic strategies for future professional development and innovation in teaching and learning in higher education.
Key Skills:
  • Critical analysis of leadership theory and practice in post-compulsory education:
  • Evaluation of leadership interventions and change initiatives;
  • Critical reflection on personal leadership practice;
  • Organisational abilities in relation to leadership initiatives;
  • Oral and written presentation of high quality;
  • N.B. Participants wishing to gain UKPSF SFHEA status will additionally be required to demonstrate the core knowledge and professional values required at Senior Fellowship level of the UKPSF. (http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/ukpsf).

Modes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment and how these contribute to the learning outcomes of the module

  • The primary mode of teaching will be workshops. These will incorporate presentations designed to enable participants to meet knowledge-based outcomes. The majority of learning will be work-based, and assessment will be via a reflective Account of Professional Practice (APP) comprising two Leadership Case Studies and a Leadership Action Plan. This will demonstrate the manner in which the participant meets the learning outcomes through his/her management of ongoing practice-related initiatives.
  • Workshops are as follows:
  • Workshop 1 – Introduction: Leadership theory and leadership practice (4 hours)
  • Workshop 2 – Leading learning and teaching within an organisational context. (4 hours)
  • Workshop 3 – Handling difficult leadership issues (4 hours)
  • Workshop 4 – Implementing and evaluating a change initiative (4 hours)
  • Workshop 5 – Compiling an Account of Professional Practice (to include a Leadership Action Plan and, where participants are required to do so, preparation for the UKPSF SFHEA) (4 hours)
  • In addition participants will contribute to a Formative case study presentation & feedback session (6 hours)
  • The overall summative assessment task will be the production of an Account of Professional Practice. This will comprise the two Leadership Case Studies and the Leadership Action Plan. It will draw evidence from key leadership initiatives or projects in which the participant is involved or has recently been involved. In their APP participants will be required to demonstrate the module’s learning outcomes and expected to combine knowledge of the scholarly literature with work-based learning in their departments to highlight good practice related to their discipline or professional context.
  • They will be assisted in their compilation of the APP by a course team tutor. Tutorial support will be used for discussion and feedback on individual case studies and action plans.

Teaching Methods and Learning Hours

Activity Number Frequency Duration Total/Hours
Workshops 5 At various dates 4 hours 20
Formative Case Study presenation and feedback 6
Individual tutorial support 4
Work-based learning 130
Private Study 140

Summative Assessment

Component: Account of Professional Practice (APP) Component Weighting: 100%
Element Length / duration Element Weighting Resit Opportunity
Leadeship Case Study 1 (LCS1) 2000 words 40% Resubmission 3 months after initial submission deadline.
Leadership Case Study 2 2000 words 40% Resubmission 3 months after initial submission deadline.
Leadership Action Plan (LAP) 1000 words 20% Resubmission 3 months after initial submission deadline.

Formative Assessment:

Participants will present a draft of their Leadership Case Study 1 (LCS1) to the Formative Case Study Presentation & Feedback Session and receive advice and feedback from the course team and fellow participants before submitting a revised version as part of their Account of Professional Practice. They will receive on-going advice on the management of their Account of Professional Practice (APP) from their tutor throughout. Participants will be able to submit a draft plan and structure of their APP for feedback from the course team up to 3 weeks before the final deadline for submission of their completed assignment.

Attendance at all activities marked with this symbol will be monitored. Students who fail to attend these activities, or to complete the summative or formative assessment specified above, will be subject to the procedures defined in the University's General Regulation V, and may be required to leave the University