Undergraduate Programme and Module Handbook 2021-2022 (archived)
Module SOCI3557: Sociology of Reproduction and Parenthood
Department: Sociology
SOCI3557: Sociology of Reproduction and Parenthood
Type | Tied | Level | 3 | Credits | 10 | Availability | Available in 2021/22 | Module Cap | 90 | Location | Durham |
Tied to | L300 |
Tied to | L302 |
Tied to | L303 |
Tied to | L370 |
Tied to | L371 |
Tied to | L373 |
Tied to | LL36 |
Tied to | LL63 |
Tied to | L6L3 |
Tied to | XL33 |
Tied to | X3L3 |
Tied to | X2L3 |
Tied to | LMV0 |
Tied to | LMVA |
Tied to | LMVP |
Tied to | LA01 |
Tied to | LA02 |
Tied to | LA03 |
- At least 20 credits of level 2 modules from the Department of Sociology.
- None.
Excluded Combination of Modules
- None.
- To develop students' awareness of key concepts and theoretical frameworks in sociological approaches to reproduction and parenthood.
- To enable students to critically examine normative, taken-for-granted concepts, assumptions and discourses related to contemporary reproduction and parenthood.
- To enable students to link contemporary reproduction and parenthood to wider social, cultural and political changes.
- Through these, the module aims to demonstrate the multiple ways in which "the personal is political" in relation to reproduction and parenthood.
- Introduction: The Shifting Constructions of Children, Childhood and Parenthood
- The Complexity of Conception and Becoming a Parent
- The Ambiguity of the Pregnant Body
- Termination of Pregnancy
- The Politics of Childbirth
- The Moral Minefield of Infant Feeding
- Social Inequality and Early Years of Life
- The (In)visibility of Fathers/hood
- Constructing and Valuing Child-free Lives and Choices
- Conclusion: Review and Assessment Discussion
Learning Outcomes
Subject-specific Knowledge:
- Upon successful completion of this module, students will have demonstrated:
- A critical awareness of key concepts, debates and theoretical frameworks related to contemporary reproduction and parenthood;
- An ability to locate contemporary reproduction and parenthood within social and cultural contexts and wider societal shifts;
- An ability to deconstruct normative, taken-for-granted concepts, ideas, assumptions and discourses around reproduction and parenthood;
- An ability to articulate the ways in which reproduction and parenthood straddle and intersect the "personal" and "political".
Subject-specific Skills:
- Upon successful completion of this module, students will have demonstrated:
- An ability to evaluate sociological arguments related to contemporary reproduction and parenthood;
- An ability to apply key sociological concepts and theoretical approaches to empirical examples concerning reproduction and parenthood;
- An ability to critically engage with policy around reproduction and parenthood;
- An ability to use diverse evidence to make sociologically-informed arguments confidently in both written and verbal forms;
- An ability to organise and present work in a scholarly way.
Key Skills:
- Upon successful completion of this module, students will have demonstrated:
- An ability to communicate ideas and arguments in a clear and well-structured way in written work;
- An ability to take effective notes and synthesise information efficiently from diverse sources;
- An ability to work well both independently in self-directed study and collaboratively with colleagues;
- An ability to successful manage workload and time commitments;
- An awareness of their own transferrable skills and personal employability and of future relevant careers.
Modes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment and how these contribute to the learning outcomes of the module
- During periods of online teaching, for asynchronous lectures in particular, planned lecture hours may include activities that would normally have taken place within the lecture itself had it been taught face-to-face in a lecture room, and/or those necessary to adapt the teaching and learning materials effectively to online learning.
- Teaching is delivered through lectures and seminars and structured around the learning outcomes detailed above:
- Lectures provide students with broad introductions to key concepts, theoretical frameworks and empirical examples related to contemporary reproduction and parenthood. Lectures indicate the main issues that students should consider when undertaking independent learning and when participating in seminar discussions. 'Supplementary material' provides illustrative examples of the lecture content 'in action'. Lectures encourage students to develop their skills in listening and selective note-taking. Lectures may be delivered online and asynchronously.
- Seminars are structured around designated readings and a series of themes and/or questions related to both the reading and the lecture content. Seminars encourage students to develop skills in the evaluation and use of sociological theories and concepts and the formulation of theoretically-grounded arguments. Seminars also provide the space for students to engage in critical debates around current policy concerning reproduction and parenthood. Preparation for seminars encourages students to develop workload and time management, literature evaluation and synthesis and independent learning skills. Participation in seminars encourages students to develop key transferable skills such as verbal communication and group work skills
- A formative assessment requires students to demonstrate their subject-specific knowledge and encourages students to demonstrate their subject-specific skills in the formulation of sociological arguments and the evaluation of sociological materials. Students will also be required to demonstrate key transferable skills in literature and information searching and synthesis and written communication. The formative assessment provides an opportunity for feedback to support the summative assessment
- A summative assessment requires students to demonstrate more detailed knowledge of module topics and an ability to critically assess contemporary reproduction and parenthood. The summative assessment also provides an opportunity for feedback
Teaching Methods and Learning Hours
Activity | Number | Frequency | Duration | Total/Hours | |
Lectures | 10 | weekly | 1 hour | 10 | |
Seminars | 5 | Fortnightly | 1 hour | 5 | ■ |
Preparation and Reading | 85 | ||||
Total | 100 |
Summative Assessment
Component: Assignment | Component Weighting: 100% | ||
Element | Length / duration | Element Weighting | Resit Opportunity |
Essay | 2,500 words | 100% |
Formative Assessment:
Critical review of 1 academic article (500 words, optional)
■ Attendance at all activities marked with this symbol will be monitored. Students who fail to attend these activities, or to complete the summative or formative assessment specified above, will be subject to the procedures defined in the University's General Regulation V, and may be required to leave the University