Durham University
Programme and Module Handbook

Postgraduate Programme and Module Handbook 2023-2024 (archived)

Module LANG43315: Technology-Enhanced Language Education

Department: Durham Centre for Academic Development

LANG43315: Technology-Enhanced Language Education

Type Tied Level 4 Credits 15 Availability Available in 2023/24 Module Cap None.
Tied to Q3KE07


  • None


  • None

Excluded Combination of Modules

  • None


  • 1 Introduce students to key scholars and developments in the field of technology-enhanced language education
  • 2 Introduce students to key terminology, theories and concepts in the field of technology-enhanced language education
  • 3 Help students understand the opportunities and challenges brought by technology-enhanced language education
  • 4 Help students understand how to plan and deliver online language curricula, lessons and e-tivities
  • 5 Help students understand how to plan, create and evaluate open-access language materials, activities and tools
  • 6 Help students understand the changing student and teacher roles and required skills for technology-enhanced education
  • 7 Help students understand how to use technology in language assessment
  • 8 Introduce students to a variety of digital tools, materials and platforms as well as how to use social media, gaming and virtual learning environments in technology-enhanced language education


  • We explore the evolution of computer-mediated communication, and computer and mobile-assisted language learning, and their role in various contexts today, from classroom tools to blended, online and distance learning. We focus on opportunities and challenges brought by technology-enhanced language learning, specifically accessibility, safety and inclusivity. Use of social media, games, virtual learning environments and digital assessment are also explored. Using key models and online learning theories, and employing and evaluating digital tools, techniques, materials and platforms throughout the module, we examine ways of designing and creating open access language learning materials, activities and tools to scaffold students’ own creations. Blogs form reading content, providing models for students’ blog posts.

Learning Outcomes

Subject-specific Knowledge:
  • Knowledge of key scholars and developments in the field of technology-enhanced language education
  • Knowledge of key theories underpinning research and application in the field of technology-enhanced language education
  • Knowledge of key terminology from the field of technology-enhanced language education
  • Understanding of the opportunities and challenges brought by technology-enhanced education
  • Understanding of planning and delivery of online language curricula, lessons and e-tivities
  • Understanding of design and creation of open access language materials, activities and tools
  • Understanding of the changing student and teacher roles and required skills for technology-enhanced education
  • Knowledge of how technology can be used for language assessment
  • Knowledge of how social media, gaming and virtual environments can be used in the language classroom
  • Knowledge of digital tools, materials, and platforms used in technology-enhanced language education
Subject-specific Skills:
  • Ability to apply key theories underpinning research and application in the field of technology-enhanced education
  • Ability to employ key terminology and concepts in discussions, presentations and texts about matters related to technology-enhanced education
  • Ability to respond to the opportunities and challenges brought by technology-enhanced language education
  • Ability to apply online language curricula, lessons or e-tivities to different contexts
  • Ability to evaluate and apply open access language materials, activities and tools to different contexts
  • Ability to apply technology for language assessment in different contexts
  • Ability to reflect on and evaluate the use of social media, gaming and virtual environments in the language classroom
  • Ability to reflect on and evaluate different digital tools, materials, and platforms used in technology-enhanced language education
Key Skills:
  • Ability to reflect on and discuss key literature, research, theories and concepts
  • Ability to apply knowledge to a teaching context
  • Ability to work both individually and collaboratively on activities and assessments
  • Ability to learn through digital skills, techniques and approaches to education
  • Ability to use digital tools, activities or materials
  • Ability to evaluate, reflect and provide peer feedback

Modes of Teaching, Learning and Assessment and how these contribute to the learning outcomes of the module

  • This module will be delivered entirely online in a virtual space to expose students to the maximum number of techniques and tools possible and to give them an authentic experience of online learning and teaching. The module will take a flipped approach to learning with key content and activities provided in advance of synchronous sessions. Short asynchronous videos will form an essential input for the module, accompanied by asynchronous recommended readings, blog posts, online discussions and activities. This will allow students to become acquainted with new and complex terminology, concepts and theories at their own pace before discussing them in more depth in synchronous workshops. The workshops will take a more practical approach, employing and evaluating digital tools, materials, activities and platforms in order to scaffold students’ development of their own open access digital language learning material, activity or tool. Workshops will also allow students to explore their own experiences of technology in education and language learning through discussions and activities, encouraging them to reflect on how the studied concepts and theories apply to their own contexts. In weeks 8-10 students will get into groups to create their material/tool/activity in student-led practicals, supported by a 30 minute group tutorial with the tutor in week 9.

Teaching Methods and Learning Hours

Activity Number Frequency Duration Total/Hours
Online workshops 10 Weeks 1-10 2 hours 20
Other – Asynchronous reading, discussions and activities 10 Weekly 13 hours 130
Total 150

Summative Assessment

Component: E-Portfolio Component Weighting: 100%
Element Length / duration Element Weighting Resit Opportunity
E-Portfolio Approx 3000 words 100% Yes

Formative Assessment:

Weekly asynchronous reflections and discussions with tutor feedback and peer feedback. Peer review and teacher group feedback on draft blog post.

Attendance at all activities marked with this symbol will be monitored. Students who fail to attend these activities, or to complete the summative or formative assessment specified above, will be subject to the procedures defined in the University's General Regulation V, and may be required to leave the University